Commonwealth Bursary

A lot of people wish to pursue higher education to enhance their chance is getting job. However, not everyone can have high education level due to financial problem. Many companies and organizations offers financial supports in form of scholarships, grants, and bursaries, to help the less unfortunate people. If you wish to pursue a postgraduate study, one of the financial supports you can try to apply is Commonwealth Postgraduate bursary. CSC or Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is an organization based in United Kingdom that give awards to more than 800 fellowships, scholarships, and bursaries to professional development and postgraduate study for Commonwealth citizens every year.

This organization aims to support the worldwide development aids of United Kingdome and broader overseas interest. They also support excellence of higher education in United Kingdome and maintain the Commonwealth’s principles. The candidates are chosen based on the potential and merit to give contribution to their original countries’ needs. This organization is funded by Department for Education (handling developed countries of Commonwealth) and Department for International Development (handling developing countries of Commonwealth).

Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is responsible for several matters, which are listed below:

Evaluating effectively the influence of Commonwealth fellowships, scholarships, and bursaries, and maintaining communication with their alumni to ensure the evaluation is able to take place
Putting the fellows and scholars of Commonwealth in various host organizations and universities within the United Kingdom, and offering support during their study to assist the awardees in meeting the aims of the plan
Choosing candidates to get the fellowships, scholarships, and bursaries of Commonwealth within the United Kingdom based on the potential and merit of the candidate to give contribution to their original countries.
Providing professional and academic fellowships, scholarships, and bursaries to motivated and able Commonwealth citizens
To apply these financial supports from Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, the applicants should be a British protected individual, or a Commonwealth refugee or citizen. They also need to be a permanent resident in a developing country of Commonwealth. The academic studies of the applicant should begin in either September or October every year. They also need to have at least higher 2nd class (2:1) honors standard or a 1st degree, or a 2nd class degree and a relevant qualification of postgraduate (commonly a degree of Master). The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission encourages cultural exchange, equal opportunity, and gender equity. Thus a wide range of applicants is encouraged. You can apply in here: APPLY BURSARY

Every scholarships, fellowships, and bursaries will provide the following values:

Travel expense to travel from the awardee’s home country to United Kingdom and the return after the study is finished. Travel expense for dependents is not included
Examination fees and tuition
Living allowance (£1,043 every month; £1,279 for universities around London area)
Thesis grant, covering the preparation of a dissertation or thesis
Allowance for warm clothing, where applicable
Grant for study travel, both overseas and in United Kingdom
Fieldwork grant for overseas fieldwork (PhD scholars), where approves
Mid-term visit to home country for PhD scholars
The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission does not have any requirement for IELTS or any English language proficiency test. However, the applicants should understand that the university they apply may ask for evidence of a certain level for English proficiency as their eligibility requirements. Those are the brief information about Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in general and the bursary provided by the organization for everyone who want to apply for the program. The applications for this bursary close at November 15th annually, so make sure to prepare the required documents beforehand and submit it before the due date.

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