Here are 9 flexible sources of income for any university student

University is expensive: tuition, room and board, meal plans, books, supplies, the list goes on. Add in “fun money” and you can expect your bank account to dwindle down, and fast. Many don’t realize just how much cash you need to get through schooling, especially when you want to, I don’t know, LIVE. Let’s face it. When you go to school you are going to want to treat yourself to meals out with your friends, you’re going to want to get decorations for your dorm room, you’re going to want to want to go to that party down the street that has a cover charge to get in, and you’re going to want to do things other than your homework. You are NOT going to want to have to say no to an opportunity just because you don’t have enough money to say yes. You need to have a bit of a slush fund. You need to earn some extra cash.

Some students fear that getting a job will take time away from their studies. This may be true, if their employer isn’t flexible. There are many ways to earn extra cash as a student without having to commit to a grueling work schedule that interferes with the most important part of university: your grades.

1 Become a tutor

Is there a class or subject that you are particularly strong in? Offer tutoring services, whether to your peers, to underclassmen or even at a local middle or high school. Chances are that your university offers programs that will help pair you with students in need. You get to trade your knowledge for money!

2 Share your opinion

Who doesn’t like giving their opinion, especially when you can get some money for it? Online survey and opinion companies are constantly looking for participants to answer their questions, watch their videos and even do online shopping! Yes, you read that right. You can get paid to shop online. The more information you give, the easier it is for them to determine your demographic – which helps them know which surveys are best suited for you. The best part is that you can take these surveys from the comfort of your dorm room!

3 Become an Uber driver

With Uber, you get to create your own schedule, so you can work a lot or you can work a little, depending on your availability. When midterms roll around, you may decide to take an entire week off to focus on your studies. When school isn’t very busy, you may choose to work after class each night for a few hours. The beauty is that you don’t report to anyone but yourself; your schedule is 100% in your control. The only caveat is that you need to be at least 21 years old with 3+ years of driving experience to be an Uber driver, so this money-making opportunity may be more geared toward upperclassmen.

4 Sell your textbooks

University books are so expensive. Those books that you spent $100, $200, even $300 on are going to sit on your bookshelf untouched for years to come once your classes end, especially the ones that were for general electives that had nothing to do with your major. Hundreds of students will be in need of those very books next semester, so why not unload them? Sell them for less than they are worth at the bookstore and you can guarantee that you will get some happy buyers. You may even find that some local bookstores buy and resell textbooks.

5 Babysit/Nanny

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