RCL Foods Admin Assistant

Job Summary


The successful incumbent will be responsible for managing the entire pie warmer estate consisting of 1,132 warmers, monitoring the revenue of warmers, overseeing and providing insights on the asset register and ensuring spend is within allocated budget.

Duties And Responsibilities


-Installation of new warmers

Receive warmer installation requests from the outlet team / NAM’s.

Lodge warmer installation request with agency RA to plan installation calendar and communicate to all parties.

Assist with Project Piestop (Freshstop’s pie warmer project with customised branding) work directly with Freshstop (customer) to install warmers according to the Project Piestop rollout.

Timeous rollout of R3m capex per year – project global warming is a strategic pie warmer project where new warmers are placed at Super Platinum, Platinum, Gold sites.

Ensure all new pie warmers are tagged so that the business is able to track the life stage of the warmer.

-Maintenance, repairs and uplifts of existing warmers

Receive requests from customers / outlet team / NAM’s related to any repairs, damages or warmer uplifts.

Lodge request with RA and plan the calendar liaising with all parties involved.

Manage weekly tracking report of RA’s performance vs deliverables – ensure service level agreements is adhered to.

-Warmer Budget

Monitor the monthly warmer spend for installations, maintenance, repairs and upliftments.

Motivate spend for new warmers (capex applications) – as per the joint business planning with customers.

-Weekly warmer tracker

Set out monthly pie warmer placement targets for the outlet team.

Weekly tracker sent out to team to manage pie warmer placements and to indicate warmer availability.

Monthly trends to be included in the reporting.

-Establish Payback period of warmers

Insight driven reporting – provide insights on the following:

Number of sites purchasing / not purchasing warmers.

Revenue gained from each classified customer.

Revenue lost due to customers not purchasing.

Has the warmer been paid back with the revenue brought in by customer.

Warmer look & feel

Standard warmer branding and tagging is required across the pie warmer estate.

Establish with outlet team which warmers require branding.

Brief artwork agency with pie warmer dimensions and get costing and implement pie warmer branding.

Update the pie warmer album and customer catalogue with old and new images

-Pies Marketing Budget

Loading CE’s on the workflow and send purchase orders to customers.

Receipting and payment of invoices

Consolidate Pies budget between category, brand and channel.

Update the marketing budget to ensure no overspend

Qualifications And Experience

Minimum Requirements

Matric / Grade 12

A degree preferably in Marketing or Finance with minimum 1 year marketing / finance experience

Valid Code EB drivers’ license

How To Apply


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